Sunday, June 21, 2009

green beauty ingredients tip: get your antioxidants

When you’re searching for new beauty products to green up your routine, you probably know which you don’t want. But what about the ones you do want? After all, different ingredients do different things. So let’s talk about the ones that help fight aging and sun damage for starters. (Four letter words, if you ask me.)

Antioxidants are one of your best weapons against the ravages of time and sunshine. These powerful natural ingredients are made of vitamins and minerals that fight pesky free radicals, a buzzword you’ve probably heard. Simply put, free radicals damage DNA and accelerate aging. Free radicals are everywhere, even in the air and particularly from sunlight. Alrighty then. Science class is over. All I care about is how to prevent that evil. So, how do we do it?

Well, first off, you can get antioxidants by going green when you sit down at the dinner table. No, I’m not talking about cloth napkins instead of paper (although that’s a good idea). I’m talking plenty of green leafy vegetables. Eating antioxidants is a way to lessen free radical damage. So eat your organic spinach. Eat your organic kale. And have another helping of that salad with organic arugula and romaine lettuce. Mmmmmm...

Now, here’s an old favorite. Vitamin C. It’s not just for colds anymore. Experts believe that the antioxidants in Vitamin C can minimize signs of aging, wrinkles and fine lines because they stimulate collagen production. (Collagen is that springy stuff that makes your skin look plump and young. And we want all of that we can get, especially as we age.) Vitamin C is particularly powerful when eaten. So when you’re out getting that organic spinach, don’t forget the broccoli, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

Besides becoming a green gourmet, another way for you to get antioxidants is to apply them topically. As they’re absorbed into your skin, antioxidants strengthen skin cells, boosting their ability to fight those nasty free radicals.

Speaking of which, Eminence Organic Skincare makes a fab Carrot Vitamin Masque that’s full of carrot and orange pulp. It’s just loaded with vitamin C. It has a zinc oxide base and is infused with honey, lemon and vanilla. The smell is out of this world, not to mention how your skin feels post masque. Great for sensitive skin.

Now here’s a shocker. Can coffee can be good for your skin? I mean, I love a latte as much as the next person. In fact, can’t start my day without it. But I never thought about slathering it on my skin. Yet many claim coffee can do several things to improve the appearance of your skin when applied topically. It may slow down the aging process and help protect from sun damage. (Having said that, never, ever go out without your sun block.) They even claim that it smoothes bumpy skin, such as cellulite. Grab those grounds, girls...

And while we’re on the topic of cellulite, Lavere Body Control Anti-Cellulite Lotion says it improves circulation and smoothes skin with caffeine and fruit acids. It also has a nice moisturizing effect. Their customers report a 50% improvement in cellulite and 90% increase of skin moisture. So chalk one up for coffee.

Spot of tea instead? Certainly. Especially if it’s green tea, which has been shown to fight free radicals. When applied to the skin, green tea can slow down the aging process and even act as sun protection. (Again, don’t forget your sun block.)

Burt’s Bees has capitalized on this ingredient in their Repair Serum. The green tea combined with 11 essential botanicals repair skin damage and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. And, when you drink it, green tea is believed to ward off cancer and heart disease. Get healthy and look younger? Cheers!

So go forth, Greenies! Stock your kitchen and powder room with antioxidants and give Father Time and Brother Sun a run for their money.